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Godrej Split After 127 Years

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The Indian corporate landscape witnessed a historic shift in May 2024. The Godrej family, at the helm of a sprawling conglomerate for over a century, decided to amicably split their business interests.

A Legacy Divided: The Godrej Family Tree

The Godrej Group, established in 1897, has been a household name in India for generations. The business began with the vision of Ardeshir Godrej and has since diversified into various sectors like consumer goods, real estate, and security solutions.

The recent split separates the ownership between two branches of the Godrej family:

  • Adi Godrej and his brother Nadir Godrej
  • Their cousins Jamshyd Godrej and Smita Godrej Crishna

Who Gets What? Dividing the Godrej Assets

The family opted for an “ownership realignment” to ensure smooth succession and cater to differing business visions. Here’s a breakdown of the divided assets:

  • Adi Godrej and Nadir Godrej: This branch inherits control of Godrej Industries Group (GIG). GIG comprises the publicly listed companies of the conglomerate, including Godrej Industries, Godrej Consumer Products, Godrej Properties, Godrej Agrovet, and Astec Lifesciences. Nadir Godrej will serve as the chairperson initially, with Pirojsha Godrej, the next-generation leader, taking over in 2026.
  • Jamshyd Godrej and Smita Godrej Crishna: This branch takes ownership of Godrej & Boyce, the unlisted parent company, along with its affiliated businesses. This includes Godrej Appliances, a major player in the Indian home appliance market. Additionally, they receive the Godrej family’s land bank, containing valuable real estate assets, particularly prime properties in Mumbai.

Godrej Split: Ensuring Business Continuity

The Godrej family emphasized that the division was an amicable one, driven by a desire for long-term growth and strategic focus. Both sides expressed confidence in their ability to steer their respective business empires towards continued success.

The Godrej family split marks a new chapter for this iconic Indian conglomerate. With two distinct business groups emerging, it will be interesting to see how each branch carves its own path while staying true to the Godrej legacy of innovation and excellence.

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